
About Us

Wm. H. Reilly & Company is a leading provider of processes, process equipment, piping, valves, controls and components for Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, and Water Reuse and Collection Systems in the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska.


Where to Find Us

(503) 223-6197
Our Products

Our Products



Weirs & Baffles

Fiberglass Weirs and Baffles for Water Treatment PlantsMFG

Chain and Scraper

Fits any plant’s requirement for basins in sizes from 1.8m (6ft) wide by 4.6m (15ft) long to 10.7m (35ft) wide by 91m (300ft) long.Evoqua/Envirex

Clarifiers and Primary Clarifiers

Includes primary and secondary clarifiers, backwash clarifiers, floc clarifiers, solids contact reactors, circular grit basins, gravity thickeners and flotation separators and thickeners.Evoqua/Envirex

JMS Mega-Vac hoseless sludge removal system

The JMS Mega-Vac is a balanced, efficient hoseless sludge removal system for water treatment plant sedimentation basins.Jim Myers & Sons

JMS Mega-Scraper sludge removal system

The JMS Mega-Scraper is simple, reliable, stainless steel reciprocating scraper sludge removal system.Jim Myers & Sons

JMS Mega-Settler stainless steel plate settler system

The JMS Mega-Settler plate settler minimizes installed and maintenance costs in an efficient, compact, and reliable design.Jim Myers & Sons

Veolia’s Actiflo process

An ultra high-rate clarification process which combines microsand enhanced flocculation and lamellar settling.Veolia

Partner with Us for Superior Water Solutions

Ready to elevate your water management solutions? Contact us today to discover how our expertise and innovative approach can meet your project needs effectively.

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