
About Us

Wm. H. Reilly & Company is a leading provider of processes, process equipment, piping, valves, controls and components for Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, and Water Reuse and Collection Systems in the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska.


Where to Find Us

(503) 223-6197
Our Products

Our Products

Transport, Drying & Beneficial Reuse


Enhanced Pasteurization

Combined drying and lime pasteurization for Class A biosolilds.RDP Technologies

Lime Stabilization

Class B lime stabilization of biosolids.RDP Technologies

EnVessel Pasteurization

In under 30 minutes, sludge is converted to Class A, pathogen free biosolids.RDP Technologies

RDP-Fenton Fenix Dryer

Simple, robust biosolids drum dryer.RDP Technologies

Quick Dry Filtration System

A proactive method of wastewater treatment, designed to separate solids and liquids.Deskins

Solar Dryer

Reduces sludge volumes up to 90% and produces class A sludge using solar energy.Veolia

BioCon Energy Recovery System (BERS)

Reduces the total output of the plant to 5-10% of the original sludge cake quantity with energy recovery.Veolia

BioCon Dryer

The BioCon belt dryer provides safe, simple and efficient biosolids drying & energy recovery.Veolia

Conveying and Hopper Systems

Circular bins and conveying systems utilizing the Hindon Roplex discharger and MSE watertight gates.RDP Technologies

Conveying & Hopper Systems

A wide variety of conventional hopper and conveying systems.Jim Myers & Sons

Partner with Us for Superior Water Solutions

Ready to elevate your water management solutions? Contact us today to discover how our expertise and innovative approach can meet your project needs effectively.

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